Meeting with the European delegation in Skopje

The President of the Council, Premtim Iseni on March, 11th 2019, in the premises of the Council, held a working meeting with representatives of the European Delegation in Skopje.

Konstanti Janovski, Program Officer from the Operational Sector 1 at the European Delegation in Skopje attended the meeting, accompanied by Project Managers Elizabeta Georgieva and Emilija Belogaska.

The President of the Council introduced the delegation with the role and significance of the Council as an autonomous and independent regulatory body, with public authorizations as defined in the Audit Law and with the activities that the Council has presided over the new composition during the last year and a half of the constitution of the Council. The delegation was also acquainted with the interest and initiatives of the Council for Institutional and Regulatory Development of the Council‘s professional service in order to co-operate to perform autonomous and independent regulatory oversight of the audit profession, using the instruments of the EU Accession Assistance.

In an open and constructive discussion, at the meeting were identified the guidelines for the future deepening of the cooperation between the Council and the EU delegation in Skopje, in order to actively participate in the process of screening with the European Commission in Brussels in the process of using the EU funds, which would contribute to better and optimal implementation of EU Directives and regulations in the field of auditing and accounting.