Working meeting with the Management Board of the Institute

On 19.12.2023, in the premises of the Institute for Certified Auditors of the Republic of North Macedonia, a working meeting was held by the President of the Council, Aleksandar Naumoski, the members of the Council, and the employees of the professional service of the Council, with the President of the Institute, Nenad Tortevski and the members of the Management Board at the Institute as well as the employees of the professional service of the Institute. The purpose of the working meeting was to find a common solution for some problems that the Council and the Institute face during their work.

At the meeting, topics were discussed in relation to the World Bank Conference held in the Republic of North Macedonia and the contribution of Council to its realization, a proposal for an Audit Law, a way of conducting disciplinary procedures through the prism of locating the responsibilities of authorized persons and certified auditors, and waiver for publication of International Standards on Auditing.

Such joint working meetings were evaluated as quite constructive, and the attendees agreed to continue to apply this practice of direct communication between the Council and the Institute.