Working meeting with the Ministry of Finance

At the request of the President of the Council for Advancement and Oversight of the Audit of the Republic of Macedonia, Premtim Iseni, on June 7th 2018, the Ministry of Finance held a working meeting with the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Dragan Tevdovski.

The meeting was attended by the Coordinator of the professional working service of the Council, Dafina Taleva Hadzi-Vaskova and the Head of the financial systems sector, Lence Tagasovska.

The purpose of this working meeting was to familiarize the Minister with the activities of the Council, the mission and the vision of the Council in advancing the profession and becoming a member of international bodies in the coming years. Of particular importance were the activities undertaken by the Council for IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators) membership as well as the benefits thereof, above all the increased communication of the Council with related regulatory bodies and the possibility for inclusion in joint projects.

The Minister of Finance was introduced with the problems and challenges faced by the natural person and legal entities working on audits, the importance of the Council in improving the quality of financial reporting and the need to intensify the cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and the Council in the preparation of the new Audit Law.