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Основање на СУНР

Совет за унапредување и надзор на ревизијата е основан од страна на Владата на Р. Македонија на предлог на Министерот за финансии како самостојно и независно регулаторно тело..


Советот има јавни овластувања и надлежности кои се точно утврдени и дефинирани во Законот за ревизијата и истиот константно работи во насока на нејзино унапредување…

Цели на СУНР

Целта на Советот е преку стручни анализи, препораки, советувања и независен јавен надзор на ревизијата да го потикнува придржувањето кон високите ревизорски стандарди…

Knowledge sharing event “Responding to New Requirements and Challenges in Corporate Financial and Sustainability Reporting”

In the period from May 28 to May 29 2024, the president of the Council for advancement and oversight of the audit of the Republic of North Macedonia, Aleksandar Naumoski and the members of the Council, Kosta Spaseski and Arben Halili, attended an knowledge sharing event organized by the World Bank – CFRR “Responding to … Read more

The 5th session of the Council was held

On 22.04.2024, in the premises of the Council, the fifth session of the Council was held. The session was attended by the President of the Institute, Nenad Tortevski, and the the General Secretary of the Institute, Tatjana Todorovska. At the session, a Decision on giving consent to the “Annual report on the operation of the … Read more

Workshop of the employees of the professional service of the Council.

The President of the Council, Aleksandar Naumoski, at the premises of the Council held a workshop with the employees of the professional service, in regards to the working meeting held with representatives from the World Bank – CFRR Vienna. Several topics were discussed at the workshop, in relation to the competences of the Council. Quality … Read more