Realization of “TAIEX” expert mission

In the period from October 9th to October 12th 2017 the Council for the Advancement and Oversight of the Audit of the Republic of Macedonia (SUNRM), as the holder of TAIEX- “Expert mission for the IT oversight system for legal audits of public interest entities” successfully completed an expert mission funded and organized by the … Read more

The Council at a workshop in Vienna

Representatives from the Council, Premtim Iseni, the President of the Council and a representative from the professional working service of the Council, took part in a workshop in the World Bank – Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (WB-CFRR, Advancing Accounting and Auditing Regulation: “Improving Compliance through Better Enforcement and Adequate Requirements for Non-Financial Reporting”). The … Read more

The Council at a conference in Tirana

In the period from November 17th to November 18th 2017 in Tirana, Albania, the Institute of Certified Accountants / Auditors of Albania held the IV Conference “Audit Challenges in the Economic Environment with Existing Changes”. This event was attended by a large number of participants, auditors and accountants professionals as well as experts from the … Read more